College Seniors Must Act Now
If college seniors want to put themselves in the running for the best jobs, they must understand that the job hunting process is a hard fought and serious competition between fellow students. Whenever students interview on campus, they will likely compete against 10, 20, 50 or more other candidates.

Those are tough odds, especially when those same interviewers will be visiting five or more other colleges and have only a few job openings. That fact alone should convince everyone that most students will have to find a job on their own, through their own efforts. That’s why college seniors must act now and demonstrate a sense of urgency.

Knowledgeable college students recognize that their pursuit of employment may very well require them to send out 100, 200 or 300 resumes. In tough times, maybe more. Therefore, students must take the initiative and quickly gear up for a serious and comprehensive job search.

All of this should raise some concerns for last minute job hunters. However, here are a few things that college seniors should do now.

Prepare For The Search - Students who make a special effort to get ready for the senior year job search will greatly improve their chances of success. The earlier they start, the better. To do this well, students will have to devote an exceptional amount of time and effort and employ an effective job search strategy. This involves the research of employers, job hunting web sites, employment agencies and newspapers. It also means that students will craft an exceptional resume and sales letter, take mock interviews, work on their interview tools and techniques and activate their informational network.

Identify Employers of Interest - Savvy students go after the employers that interest them the most. To do this, from 25 to 50 of the most interesting employers should be identified. This may require students to visit 100 or more employer Web sites. The research should gather useful information, such as: Employer name, address, phone number, products and services, financial health, outlook for the future, the names of appropriate department managers, their phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Utilize All Employment Resources - Networking is one of the most reliable sources of job hunting information. Effective networking will give students reliable information about people, employers, associations and opportunities. Students who use their network effectively will have a leg up on the competition.

They should write out exactly what information they are seeking. Then, when someone asks, “How can I help you?,” students will be well prepared with their questions. Additionally, students should utilize their Career Services off ices and all of the web sites, newspapers and employment agencies that can help with their job search.

Make A List Of Accomplishments, Successes, Contributions & Positive Results - Resumes and interviews are built around these four things. Students must be clear about their capabilities and results, so employers will take notice.

Remember, employers hire people who can get things done. That’s why well prepared students can tell interesting stories and provide multiple examples of their accomplishments and successes. This is an important aspect of job hunting success. When the interviewer asks, “Why should we hire you?,” students must be prepared to talk about their strengths and selling points.

Prepare A List Of Questions to Ask - Most students concern themselves with the questions that may be asked by interviewers. However, students should also be certain to develop three or four questions to ask interviewers. None of those questions should be about what the employer will offer them. The questions should be worded to demonstrate that the student is interested in working hard, contributing and doing a good job.

Examples: How can I make the greatest contribution during the first few months on the job? What are some of the most important factors that will determine if someone is successful in this organization? The questions students ask are just as important as the questions they answer.

Think Differentiation - There is another important question that students must answer. How will they differentiate themselves from other qualified candidates? When students compete with other candidates who have the same major, similar grades and nearly identical courses, those students who are able to differentiate themselves will stand out. People stand out when they achieve superior results in classroom, campus, work and community activities. The best candidates make certain that they can give the details of how they were able to make things better, solve problems, benefit other people or help their employers.

Confirm References - It takes time to cultivate a good relationship. However, building strong relationships with respected and influential college, work, community and business leaders will result in exceptional references and recommendations. Involved students understand that powerful references, from respected leaders, will always benefit their job search efforts. Seniors should talk with their references now to discuss what they will say.

Reluctant job hunters are seldom successful. Students can’t sit back in the hopes that the jobs will come their way. They won’t! Finding a good job is not easy. However, nearly every college senior can dramatically improve his/her chances for employment success, when they respond to this challenge with an effective strategy and a sense of urgency. Now is the time for all college seniors to jump in with both feet.