Sometimes a Job Seeker Just Needs Someone to Listen
Yesterday I found myself in a tough situation that I have never been in before. I made the decision to handle the situation a certain way and then I talked to two friends about it. One of my friends was full of advice; giving me ideas on what I should do next and what I had already done that I shouldn’t have. The other friend just listened. Unconditionally. And although she didn’t say as much as the first friend, she was really more helpful.

I think that job search presents a similar dynamic. There is a lot of advice out there and well-meaning friends and colleagues want to share their point of view in an effort to help you. And that is all well and good, but job search isn’t solely about strategy and processes. It is also an emotional experience. One filled with doubt, fear, and second-guessing. Sometimes you just need a cheerleader or a good listener; someone who can draw out how you feel and offer support.

Here are some of the things friend #2 said to me yesterday that helped me work through my emotions.

• How do you feel about your decision?
• Is there anything you would have done differently if you had the conversation again?
• What do you think needs to happen next?
• It sounds like it was a decision you had to make.
• I’m proud of you.
• Can I help you in any way?
• I’m available whenever you want to talk.

Who is in your network that can be your rock as you navigate your job search? Keep them close to you because their support and words of encouragement are priceless.